Music for Little Mozarts: Teacher's Handbook for Books 1 & 2
Music for Little Mozarts: Teacher's Handbook for Books 1 & 2
Juilliard Store
144 West 66th Street
New York NY 10023
United States
A Piano Course to Bring Out the Music in Every Young Child
By Christine H. Barden, Gayle Kowalchyk, and E. L. Lancaster
The Teacher's Handbook for Levels 1 & 2 of Music for Little Mozarts serves as an aid in curriculum development and daily lesson planning while providing information related to teaching young children. The suggested lesson plans provide teachers with a starting point to adapt this series for their own teaching situation. A special section provides helpful teaching tips for using the Music Discovery Book and teacher examples for the ear training pages in the Music Workbook are also given. Beginning teachers of young students should find the handbooks extremely useful.