Berio Sequenza III for Female Voice
Luciano Berio
Berio Sequenza III for Female Voice
Juilliard Store
144 West 66th Street
New York NY 10023
United States
Berio wrote "Sequenza III" for a virtuoso singing actress - such as Cathy Berberian, his wife and the work's dedicatee. Singing is only one of the many expressive modes the human voice has, and Berio makes use of a number of them. His explanation of the symbols used in the score lists 15 techniques, among them "salvoes of laughter," "teeth-chattering," "tongue-trill against the upper lip," as well as 44 agogic markings such as "far away," "dreamy," "ecstatic," "extremely intense" and "fading away."
Thus "Sequenza III" is a unique challenge, an incomparable piece of musical theatre for a singer.