Zett Across Europe
Zett Across Europe
Juilliard Store
144 West 66th Street
New York NY 10023
United States
12 Witty Folk Tune Arrangements for Piano Duet
A great diversity of national and regional cultures evolved on the European continent during the course of two-and-a-half thousand years. In the field of music, this diversity can be traced back above all to folksongs. Luis Zett’s 12 imaginative arrangements for four hands let the European motto "united in diversity" literally pulse with life. Somewhat more advanced piano pupils of all age groups have the colorful choice between a Scottish "reel" or an East-European lullaby, melancholy tunes from the North or dynamic dances of the south. For additional variety and enjoyment, players can count on extensive free interludes as well as melodies that wander through the upper part and bass.
1. Ez a kislány megy a kútra/This Little Girl Is Going to the Well (Hungary) |
2. Dans les jardins d’mon père/In My Father’s Gardens (France) |
3. Vem kan segla förutan vind?/Who Can Sail without Wind? (Sweden) |
4. Idzie Maciek Mazurka-Potpourri (Poland) |
5. Horch, was kommt von draußen rein?/Hark What Comes from Outdoors (Germany) |
6. Tecce voda, tecie/Waters Ripple and Flow (Slovakia) |
7. Läksin minä kesäyönä käymään/Through the Woods One Summer Night (Finland) |
8. Alalá (Spain) |
9. Cantec de dans/Dance Tune (Romania) |
10. Miss Farqharson’s Reel (Scotland) |
11. Što mi e milo/How I Would Like To (Macedonia) |
12. Schlof, schlof, schlof/Yiddish Lullaby (Eastern Europe) |