Yoga for Singing: A Developmental Tool for Technique and Performance
Yoga for Singing: A Developmental Tool for Technique and Performance
Juilliard Store
144 West 66th Street
New York NY 10023
United States
by Judith E. Carman
The 19th-century Italian singing teacher Giovanni Battista Lamperti once wrote, "'Know thyself' applies to the singer more than to other professions, because to sing well, body, soul, and mind are tuned together." Yoga, with its focus on connecting mind, body, and soul, is a tool that can greatly enhance the art of singing in this very way. In Yoga for Singing, author Judith Carman outlines the many connections between the two arts, presenting a systematic approach to yoga practices to support the development of singing technique as well as to lay a foundation for confident performance and a long and healthy singing career. She demonstrates how closely practices such as physical postures, breathing practices, and deep relaxation techniques match the needs of singers. Included in the book and its extensive companion website are copious illustrations and specific exercises designed to be used by singers and voice teachers, regardless of their level of experience with yoga. With a unique take on technique and performance improvement, this book is an excellent resource for both vocal students and professionals at any stage of their career.