C. F. PETERS - 100400
25 Waltzes by Contemporary American Composers
25 Waltzes by Contemporary American Composers
Juilliard Store
144 West 66th Street
New York NY 10023
United States
"During the summer of 1976, both of us, via a telephone conversation, realized that we had written two waltzes for piano. The surprise itself caused us to ask, 'Do you think we should ask other friends to write waltzes and put the sum-total into a waltz collection?' This question led us directly to C. F. Peters Corporaion, whose enthusiasm for the project was encouraging. Following this meeting came our difficult job of selecting composers, knowing that neither of us could invite everyone we knew who would be interested.
The invitations went out, and within a few months the waltzes began to appear.
We hope that this collection will give everyone great pleasure in performing and listening.
This Collection of Waltzes is dedicated with love and affection to Evelyn Hinrichsen."
-- Robert Helps and Robert Moran (March 1978)