Vivaldi Kyrie RV 587
Vivaldi Kyrie RV 587
Juilliard Store
144 West 66th Street
New York NY 10023
United States
Editor: Bruno, Malcolm / Ritchie, Caroline
Orchestral scoring : SSolo/ASolo/Mixed choir-SATB (Coro I + II)/Orch (Coro I + II): 2V/Va/Bc(Vc/double bass/Org)
Language(s) of work: L
Language(s) of text: L
Product format: score, Urtext edition
Binding: Stapled
Pages / Format: VIII, 28 - 31,0 x 24,5 cm
The same mastery has also been applied to the “ Kyrie” RV 587 (BA 8950), scored for two choirs and two groups of stringed instruments. The date of its composition remains unclear. It is a purely a choral work without solo passages.
Both works can be performed independently but can also be combined as a kind of short mass. Although the authenticity of the autograph manuscript score is beyond doubt, these new editions contain some re-evaluations in phrasing and performance practice which go beyond what other editions have to offer. The piano reductions are straightforward, clearly presented and preserve the character of the works.
- Attractive choral pieces which can be combined to form a short mass
- Vocal score as well as choral score available for the “Gloria”
- Informative foreword (Ger/Eng)