Telemann Der Tod Jesu TVWV 5:6 -Oratorio-
Telemann Der Tod Jesu TVWV 5:6 -Oratorio-
Juilliard Store
144 West 66th Street
New York NY 10023
United States
Editor: Hobohm, Wolf
Arranger: Köhs, Andreas
Orchestral scoring : SSolo/2ASolo/TSolo/2BSolo/Mixed choir-SATB/2Fl/2Quartflöte/2Ob/Hn/Trp/2V/Va/Bassi(Vc/double bass)
Language(s) of work: D
Language(s) of text: D
Product format: vocal score, Urtext edition
Binding: Paperback
Pages / Format: 103 - 27,0 x 19,0 cm
This vocal score complements the Urtext score of this moving passion oratorio which is published as part of the “Georg Philipp Telemann Musical Works”. The complete orchestral material is available on hire.
• A supreme late work by Telemann
• Constitutes a valuable addition to the sacred choral repertoire
• Based on the “Georg Philipp Telemann Musical Works”