Spielbuch Piano Album
Spielbuch Piano Album
Juilliard Store
144 West 66th Street
New York NY 10023
United States
A Repertoire Collection of Two- and Four-Handed Pieces edited by Ulrich Mahlert
Breitkopf & Härtel Pädagogik has recently published various collections of easier literature for elementary instruction. The piano album contains a wide range of pieces from this rich fund which is extended by various musically and technically interesting pieces from the tried-and-true repertoire of music for beginners. This colorful assortment of easiest to easier piano music is an excellent addition to any piano tutor in use. It introduces the young pianist to different periods and styles as well as to all kinds of compositional techniques, thereby enabling him to acquire basic playing movements and to discover the piano’s wide sound possibilities. Many of the little compositions are also suitable models for improvisation.