Schubert Mass C major op. 48 D 452
Schubert Mass C major op. 48 D 452
Juilliard Store
144 West 66th Street
New York NY 10023
United States
Editor: Scattolin, Pier Paolo
Orchestral scoring : SSolo/ASolo/TSolo/BSolo/Mixed choir-SATB/2Ob ad lib./2clarinet ad lib./2Trp ad lib./timpani ad lib./2V/Vc/double bass/Org
Language(s) of work: L
Language(s) of text: L
Product format: score, Urtext edition
Binding: Stapled
Pages / Format: VI, 70 - 31,0 x 24,3 cm
This new edition was based on the first edition. Schubert not only added the oboe parts, but also revised the score for the performance of the Mass at St. Ulrich, an occasion that was closely connected with the publication of the first edition. Of course, the autograph was also examined in view of assuring a better interpretation of Schubert’s markings.