Rossini Music for Band
Rossini Music for Band
Juilliard Store
144 West 66th Street
New York NY 10023
United States
Editor: Gallo, Denise
Language(s) of text: GB
Product format: edition of selected works, critical commentary, Anthology
Binding: Paperback
Pages / Format: 94 - 24,0 x 17,0 cm
Principal Sources
Critical Notes:
1-3. [Trois Marches militaires], composées et dédiées à S. M. Nicolas Empereur de toutes les Russies
4. Marcia ("Pas redoublé"), composta per S. M. Imperiale il Sultano Abdul-Medjid
5. "La carona d'Italia": Fanfare "per musica militare", offerta a S. M. Vittorio Emanuele II
Appendix I:
A. Two "Pas redoublés" for larger band (Nos. 3a, 2a), dedicated by Rossini to Oscar Bernadotte, Crown Prince of Sweden and Norway, and to Leopold I, King of Belgians
B. Two "Pas redoublés" (Nos. 2b, 3b) and a "Marche militaire" (No. 1b) for piano, four hands, dedicated to Charlotte de Rothschild
C. "Mariage de S. A. R. de Duc d'Orléans": Trois "Marches militaires" for piano, two hands (Nos 2c, 3c, 1c)
Appendix II: "Coro (in Passo doppio) offerto alla Guardia Civica di Bologna" (1848): original version of the March for Sultan Abdul-Medjid (No. 4)
Appendix III: Four earlier versions of "La corona d'Italia" (No. 5) for piano, two hands, or for piano, four hands:
A. "Fanfare": the original version for piano, two hands (16 June 1858)
B. "Fanfare (Transcription)": the revised version for piano, two hands, No. 12 in the "Album pour Piano, Violon, Violoncello, Harmonium et Cor"
C. "Petite Fanfare à quatre mains [I] (Transcription)": the revised version for piano, four hands, with the parts in score format, No. 12 in the "Album pour Piano, Violon, Violoncello, Harmonium et Cor"
D. "Petite Fanfare à quatre mains [II] (Transcription)": the revised version for piano, four hands, with the parts on facing pages, No. 12 in the "Album pour Piano, Violon, Violoncello, Harmonium et Cor"