Clearance: Practice What You Preach: Book 2 of the Practicing for Love Series
Clearance: Practice What You Preach: Book 2 of the Practicing for Love Series
Juilliard Store
144 West 66th Street
New York NY 10023
United States
By: Nina Kennedy
In this second book of the Practicing for Love series, Nina - a former child-prodigy - tries to figure out how to live without the piano and that daily pressure to practice. She has moved to Europe in an attempt to escape from American racism, and to establish a family connection with her partner's family in the Tyrolean Alps.
Early in the book, she receives news of her mother's death and must return to Nashville for the funeral. While cleaning out her parents' house, she unearths material for a documentary film which she spends the next six years producing. That film, Matthew Kennedy: One Man's Journey, becomes an award-winning hit at international film festivals.
Back in Europe, her partner learns of the death of her grandmother, who has left it to her son to dole out her estate to her descendants. Fearful of her father's homophobia, she feels the need to end the relationship in order to receive her share of the inheritance. Nina returns to her country, single and alone.
While in the U.S., Nina becomes involved with an African diplomat who forces her to come to grips with a new level of sexism, homophobia, and anti-Americanism that permeates many African cultures. She learns to appreciate her national identity in a new light, in spite of the racism that has victimized her family for generations.
About the Author
Nina Kennedy is a world-renowned concert pianist, orchestral conductor, award-winning filmmaker, and spoken-word performing artist. She has received worldwide acclaim for her work as a screenwriter and "actress" at several international film festivals. She is also the host of her own cable television talk show, The Noshing with Nina Show. Kennedy holds a master's degree from The Juilliard School, and was the recipient of the National Endowment for the Arts Solo Recitalist Fellowship.