Practical Beginning Theory: A Fundamentals Worktext 8th edition
Practical Beginning Theory: A Fundamentals Worktext 8th edition
Juilliard Store
144 West 66th Street
New York NY 10023
United States
In the new edition, the text continues its mission to be an all-in-one coursebook for music fundamentals. A third author has been added to revise and update the exercises in popular music and to integrate new electronic supplements into the text. A new chapter has been added to address jazz, pop, and blues and a CD of ear-training examples is now included with each copy of the book. The software package of the prior edition has been coordinated to the new CD and mounted to the Internet and exercises throughout the text have been revised to further emphasize real music instead of artificial textbook examples.
In all, Practical Beginning Theory prepares students completely for the first semester of major-level music theory. In can be used at two- and four- year colleges and it is appropriate for pre-college students who are preparing to enter a music major or for advanced high school music theory courses.