Performance Success
Performance Success
Juilliard Store
144 West 66th Street
New York NY 10023
United States
Feeling anxious and stressed before an important performance can be a fact of life for musicians and entertainers, whether they are students or seasoned professionals. Many performers have struggled for years trying to manage their nerves, feeling they may never get over their “performance anxiety.” In Performance Success, Dr. Don Greene shares his revolutionary approach mastering performance energy. He has achieved extraordinary results for students and professionals alike in putting their adrenaline to work to power their best performances.
Don Greene, Ph.D. is a sports psychologist who has worked with groups as diverse as the US Olympic Diving Team, police departments, and opera companies. He is the author of Audition Success, also published by Routledge, and Fight Your Fear and Win (Broadway Books). He teaches at the Juilliard School of Music in New York.