Moments Musicaux with Marchena and Momo
Moments Musicaux with Marchena and Momo
Juilliard Store
144 West 66th Street
New York NY 10023
United States
"Moments Musicaux with Marchena and Momo" follows two Upper West Side apartment cats as they learn the importance of collaboration with some help from two wise pigeons and a mean flying cockroach. Artist Hoda Mir’s acrylic/color pencil illustrations give the story a whimsical and classic feel.
The book is great for those wanting a unique memento of the neighborhood, beginner/future musicians who could benefit from tools for dealing with jealousy+embracing teamwork, cat lovers, as well as anyone who might enjoy a charming multimedia experience.
It contains a youtube link to a playlist of original compositions for double bass and clarinet recorded by Lindsay Donat and Raphael Zimmerman that go along with each scene.