Goodman: Modern Method for Timpani
Goodman: Modern Method for Timpani
Juilliard Store
144 West 66th Street
New York NY 10023
United States
By Saul Goodman / ed. Roland Kohloff and Gary Werdesheim
Timpani Book
An indispensable book for all timpanists! Divided into 4 sections: Fundamentals: Exercises for the Development of Technique on Two Drums, Three and Four Drum Technique, and Repertoire for Timpani. This is an updated version of the famous Saul Goodman Modern Method for Tympani. Roland Kohloff was the Fundamentals Editor, and Gary Werdesheim was the Music Editor, under the direction of Anthony J. Cirone. Many pages were re-engraved and many photographs have been re-done. This edition will continue the legacy of Saul Goodman as teacher and mentor to generations of percussion students, teachers, and performers.