Berlioz Les Troyens Holoman 133 -Grand Opéra en cinq actes- (Die Trojaner)
Berlioz Les Troyens Holoman 133 -Grand Opéra en cinq actes- (Die Trojaner)
Juilliard Store
144 West 66th Street
New York NY 10023
United States
Editor: Macdonald, Hugh
Arranger: Wernhard, Eike
Orchestral scoring : 3SSolo/2MezSolo/ASolo/4TSolo/2BarSolo/7BSolo/Mixed choir: SSTTBB/Fl-Picc/2Fl/Fl-Picc/2Ob/2clarinet/4bassoon/4Hn/2Trp/2Pist/3trombone/Op/Tb/timpani/percussion/6/8harp/Str/Bühnenmusik: 3Ob/3trombone/9Saxhorns/timpani/percussion
Product format: vocal score, Urtext edition
Binding: Hardback
Pages / Format: XIII, 580 - 27,5 x 20,0 cm
Berlioz began to write the libretto in Paris in April 1856 and completed it on June 26th of that same year. The dramatic material of acts III-V is taken from books 1 and 4 of Virgil's “ Aeneid ”.
The two trojan acts are loosely based on books 1 and 2 by Virgil.
Berlioz wrote in May 1861: “I am sure that I have created a great work, greater and superior to anything I have ever written before”.
The vocal score is based on the three-volume New Berlioz Edition and also on the one-volume vocal score edition that under Berlioz’s supervision, was privately printed in 1861-62 and then distributed. The appendix contains two complete scenes: The Sinon scene from the first act and the original finale from the fifth act. scenes: The Sinon scene from the first act and the original finale from the fifth act.